Perfect week-end getaway for surfers and trying to be a surfer.
Sabang Beach is the longest black sand stretch in Baler. There are lots of hotels and lodging in the place. One of the prominent is the Costa Pacifica. It was very noticeable that those who belongs or has a partnership with the Angaras is in the mounted place while those other private businesses and locals are out shined.
Anyhoo, if you are going to Baler be sure to try surfing in the morning rather than in the afternoon. The waves are more calm in the morning. This is very cliche but yea, if you want to learn how to surf, visit the waves of Baler. The waves are suitable for beginners and pro.

For those who are not into surfing and a bit scared, you can just bum in the beach and watch those first timers fell on the surfing boards. It is a bit enjoying when it is your friend. HAHAHA. Or you can just pretend that you tried surfing and took a picture with the board, like what my colleagues did.

The sand may not be white or powdery like in Dicasalarin but yea, this will suffice your craving for a beach. O, Sabang Beach is not perfect for swimming because the waves are strong and there is an under current which can pull you into the deep and drown you. (My family was a bit scared when they learned that I will go to Baler because my cousin died there decades ago)
Aww and there are people staring at you from above while on your side there are lots of surfing boards in the sand and you know that they are instructing a beginner.
We are now proud that we have tried surfing in Baler. Well, my next plan is to try surfing at La Union, then Bagasbas, and Surigao!!!